
Fraunhofer ICT is an experienced and competent partner in EU-funded projects. We participated in more than 30 projects in Horizon 2020, and can draw on an international network of academic and industrial partners. As one of the largest and longest-established Fraunhofer institutes, we carry out applied research in the fields of polymer engineering and composite materials, chemical processes, energy systems, explosives technology and drive systems.


National hydrogen flagship project: "H2Mare"

producing green hydrogen offshore



3D printing of porous catalytically active transport layers



Development of equipment and mold technology with process data analysis for the pultrusion of sustainable, recyclable lightweight structures


Clean Aviation - AMBER

Innovative demonstrator for hybrid-electric regional application


Clean Aviation - FASTER-H2

Fuselage, rear fuselage and empennage with cabin and cargo architecture solution validation and technologies for H2 integration


Clean Aviation - HERA

Hybrid-Electric Regional Architecture: concepts for environmentally friendly regional aircraft


Clean Aviation - NEWBORN

Next generation high power fuel cells for airborne applications


Clean Aviation - SMR-ACAP

SMR aircraft architecture and technology integration project


Clean Sky 2

The largest European aviation research program.



A Europe-wide consortium aims to create a circular economy by removing hazardous flame retardants from plastic waste and re-using the purified material in high-value applications.



Modular production plant - economical manufacturing of high-performance hybrid structures

Hybrid structures have significant potential for lightweight applications.



The project Lite2Duro is researching ways to increase sustainability and energy efficiency in the processing of thermoset plastics.


FlowCamp - Redox Flow Battery Campus

Research in FlowCamp aims to improve materials for high-performance, low-cost next-generation redox-flow batteries.



CO2 reduction through energy efficiency in light distribution transport



High-temperature material concepts for sustainable, decarbonized energy technology



The objective of HiTDOC is to organize a challenge, based on the design and development of test procedures and methodologies, that will allow evaluating the performances of detection technologies. 



Digitalized HP-RTM process chain allows significant cost reduction through data-based quality control and predictive maintenance



The ERA-NET project PHB2Market will develop 100 % renewable, high-value composite materials made of sustainable industrial by-products or biomasses using eco-efficient industrial biotechnology and chemical processes.  



The EU project PLANETS will demonstrate the applicability of the SSbD Draft Framework published by the JRC while technically developing alternatives for plasticizers, flame retardants and surfactants.



In the protECOlight project, sustainable and simultaneously series-capable value chains for novel fiber-reinforced lightweight protection structures in vehicles with alternative drive concepts are being developed. 


ProxximaTM resin systems

How can ProxximaTM resin systems drive adoption of affordable composites in structural automotive components?


SIMPLIFY - Sonication and microwave processing of material feedstock



The overall objective of SONAR is to provide a versatile multiscale framework for assessing organic compounds for their profitability/suitability as electroactive materials in order to support early research in RFB technology.




Safe, sustainable and high performance adhesives and coatings from industrial softwood bark



SURPASS is a research and innovation project, whose objective is to lead by example the transition towards more safe, sustainable and recyclable by design (SSRbD) polymeric materials.


TraClight - HyWet

Cost and resource efficient manufacturing of FRP-metal hybrid structures in wet compression molding


Light Materials 4 Mobility

In this project, new, sustainable lightweight solutions were developed in material and process technology, with the aim of maximizing resource efficiency.