Fraunhofer ICT develops continuously operating reaction calorimeters based on microreactors, which permit the rapid screening of thermokinetic key data. A variety of process parameters can be tested within a short timeframe, and their influence on the heat generation and thermal reactions can be recorded in real-time. The influence of the individual process parameters (e. g. concentration, stoichiometry, the use of alternative reactants, temperature, residence time) on the reaction rate can be monitored and quantified directly by observing the altered heat signal. Besides a rapid screening of relevant processing parameters, the small reactor volume means that critical processing conditions (worst case scenarios) can be tested precisely and safely with a minimum use of materials.
We supply measurement systems with the requested specifications and equipment to enable our customers to perform their own research. We also carry out further developments of the calorimetric measuring systems for specific reaction processes and new application fields, according to our customers' requirements. The spatial and temporal resolution of the heat flow measurement can be adapted to suit the intended application.