Fuel cells

The high efficiency of fuel cells means that they will play an important role in electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, hydrogen, methanol and natural gas are most often used for electricity generation in fuel cells. Developments in this area are particularly concerned with the optimization of systems in terms of their operating conditions and the components used. Current research emphasizes the integration of fuel cells into mobile and stationary applications, and material development.


The Applied Electrochemistry Department has comprehensive expertise in the field of electrochemical processes in fuel cells, as well as the equipment needed to perform all conventional tests on fuel cells and fuel cell components

MEA testing and development

The membrane electrode unit (MEA) is the core component of every fuel cell. Fraunhofer ICT has long-standing experience as well as the equipment required for the production and characterization of various MEA types.

Fuel cell systems

Fuel cell systems can be a reliable and, depending on the type, emission-free electric power and heat source for your mobile (e.g. range extender) or stationary (e.g backup power) applications. We have the experience and equipment required for the construction of systems of up to 5kWel.



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